Friday, April 27, 2007

Everybody Needs Good Neighbours...

... with a little understanding. You can find the perfect blend!

If rumours are to be believed, the BBC will soon be losing this perfect blend - much to my horror and indignation.

And I'm sure this will also horrify the masses of students and old people whose lives are made meaningful by this Australian soap.

Speculation is rife that the BBC is not looking to renew its contract to air Neighbours.

Instead, it is up against ITV 2 and Channel 5.

This would indeed be a televisual atrocity and treason on the part of the BBC.

Neighbours is a national institution.

How will students cope without it?! We won't be able to judge the correct lunchtime, teatime and nap time.

The world will come to a stand still. There'll be nothing to do. We'll have to actually do 'work'. God forbid.

I for one am completely against such heinous crimes.

Having been a Neighbour devotee since the tender age of three, I cannot possibly imagine life without the Kennedys, the Robinsons and good old Jelly Belly.

I shudder to think.

The BBC must be stopped!

Neighbours is more than just television; its a way of life. If the BBC do indeed scrap it, there will be public outcry. Riots. An apocalypse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ramsey Street or Premium block... everyone needs good neighbours!