Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Friends Reunited

When I was younger I heard someone say, "You can never go home again". I have never really believed this.

Coming back to Newcastle means seeing my family and of course, my friends.

These are friends that I grew up with, went to school with, first got drunk with and celebrated A-Level results with before we all went our separate ways.

I've always tried to keep in touch with a lot of these people - they are all brilliant in their own unique ways.

I don't always get to see most of them as much as I would like though. Some have moved away, some have varying work commitments and others have started families of their own - something completely remote to the world in which I revolve.

Recently a friend of mine, Daniel Bolger, got a lot of us together, including people I haven't seen for years. It was so strange to see everyone again.

Louise - my best and weirdest friend from High School.

Jenny - the girl I sat next to in GCSE Maths.

Liam - a musical genius and my drumming idol.

Gemma - my favourite playmate in Primary School.

Ryan - my High School crush for a long time.

Ruth - the RE teacher's daughter.

Of course, there were many more - such an eclectic bunch of people. People I'm proud to say I know.

Daniel too. A maths graduate from Cambridge University, an incredibly talented musician and a great person.

On November 26, Daniel was reported missing from his home in Cambridge.

On Thursday December 7, Daniel's body was found in the River Cam.

It is a tragedy that it was only an event as devastating and as crushing as this which brought my old school and college friends together.

I often regret not keeping in touch with many of the people I was such good friends with all those years ago.

I will always regret not keeping in touch with Dan as much as I could have.

My friends are so important to me. They make up a second family - people I turn to when my parents, brother or sister can't help.

I know that these friendships will be eternal. The amount of time between seeing each other might inevitably increase with age but one thing I am sure of is that they will always have time for me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey Rosalind!

I am really glad you posted this, and you shared with the rest of us what Daniel meant to you. I really appreciated you talking about your friends from back home, because it means that through that, I get to know you a little bit better.

I think it's a shame that sometimes people are only brought together through something as extreme as weddings or funerals. It really makes you wonder where the years since school, and classes went. I mean we're only 22 and it's still so hard to remain in contact with people as much as you'd like to. But you also come to realise who is important and who you will stay in touch with. I think it's amazing when you bump into someone randomly and you get to see where their life has gone since you last saw them.

I'm glad that although this was such a sad and hard time, you got to see people you haven't seen for a while. I hope you're okay :)