Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Answer Is Blowin’ In The Wind.

It took the best part of two hours to get home this evening.

Two hours.

I could have gotten half way to Newcastle in that time, had GNER not cancelled its trains in and out of King’s Cross.

The reason? Wind.

Now this may be a silly question, but how on earth is the British transport system to cope with the inevitable effects of global warming if the entire underground and many rail services go to pot because it’s a little bit blowy outside?!

Forget the threat of global terrorism, it seems that the most pressing thing that Mr. Blair’s government should ‘waste’ our money on is transport and climate change…

Just a thought.

(The picture is an artist's impression of the wind blowing the trees. Don't be confused by the jovial expression on Mr. Wind's face. He is really mean and full of rage. "Grr" was his only comment.)


Sarah said...

THAT is a beautiful picture Miss Hill. I need a frame for it.

Rosalind said...

i put a lot of effort into that. in fact, i think it is the finest piece of work i have EVER produced!