Sunday, January 28, 2007

On Running (Part Two).

I haven’t been sleeping too well recently – either it will take me a long time to get to sleep or I’ll nod off straight away but wake up ridiculously early. Either way, I’ll wake up countless times during the night.

So in a bid to rectify this and wear myself out, I’ve recently taken up running again.

Although there is the inevitable pain, sweat and tears, I actually enjoy running – it is probably the only time that I NEVER think too much. I can’t. I’m too busy concentrating on not slipping in the mud, running into someone or just toppling over altogether.

I’ve enjoyed running from an early age and all modesty aside, I used to be quite good at it. That is, before I got older and lazier!

I started running at primary school, when I was about nine. I remember because my school got new cross country tracksuits for the team which me and a few others had to model for everyone in mass one day. Classy.

I was always picked to represent the school at competitions, either in sprinting or in cross country. This continued into secondary school where the teachers made me do the 1500 metres all the time, despite my protestations that I preferred the 800 metres or cross country. They ignored me.

Then, I think at 16, I just stopped running. I don’t really know why – probably the whole thing with being a teenager?!

I regret this. Not only because ever since I started university the first time round I wanted to take it up again but was just too lazy and/or hung-over, and secondly because now I’m crap.

My good friend Kate Bermingham had a nasty experience with a nice run in the countryside over the Christmas period, and while running can be a horrific experience, I think that the urban landscape can be much more hospitable than the countryside.

But I think my main secrets for running success are good trainers and inspirational music; Rocky Balboa style.

Although, ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ by Queen is pretty fantastic and will suffice!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Hi Roz, not sure if you and the Harrow Campus massive have recieved work but we are planning some sort of drinkies on Thursday to bring in the new term. Watch my blog for details and let the others know if you can.
