Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Seizing The Day

I spent last week in my glorious hometown of Newcastle – partly to celebrate one of my best friend’s birthday and see all my other mates, and partly so that I could get a copious amount of hugs from the infamous Mrs. H.

Returning to London was much the same as it was after Christmas – I didn’t want to come back.

Recently, I just haven’t felt comfortable in London. Not because I don’t enjoy living here or like the people I’ve met here, but because I always feel an overwhelming need to run home and get a hug. That’s obviously the seven-year old girl inside me!

So partly to satisfy my childish need for my mum to look after me, and partly to ‘seize the day’, I made a rash but executive decision to book yet more tickets home next week.

Not good at all for my ever-dwindling bank balance, but definitely good for the soul!

I’ve learnt a lot these past few months and I’m still learning.

I’m not talking about media law or feature writing, but weird life lessons – the kind you only learn when some major event happens and you realize how precious certain things and people are to you.

Certain people - my family and my friends.

In particular, friends that I haven’t seen in such a long time because its true that you don’t know what you’ve got until its gone and it hurts to have these kind of regrets in life. Regretting that you should have called someone or seen someone, even just text someone a lot more than you did.

So I’m going back to Newcastle for a University reunion – for my old housemate’s birthday and to see all my friends who I haven’t seen since last summer. To make an effort and seize the day.

And to get a hug from Mrs. H of course!

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