Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I hate it when...

...people think that what they do has no effect on you.
It doesn't mean that they're selfish in any way, they're just completely absorbed in what they do or feel that they don't realise the effect it can have on others.
Someone with an alcohol addiction often finds the solution to life's problems at the bottom of a bottle. They drink and drink and drink without seeing whats happening around them. Whats happening outside their addiction.
They think they are protecting their loved ones by trying to hide it without realising that its so easy to smell the last bottle of whiskey on their breath, along with the bloodshot eyes and the occasional slurring of sentences. Not even an excessive spray of deodorant or aftershave can hide whats been obvious for years.
The hardest thing is watching someone do that to themselves and not being able to do a thing to help.
They'll say that they are trying, but its so impossible to ignore or pretend that it isn't happening because the next chance they get they've got that precious treasure, newly bought and stuffed in the inside of their coat.
Its hard not having the courage to tell them that its devastating to see them like that. To tell them that you just want them to be happy again. To be the way they are when they're not drunk. The way they were before it all started.

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