Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Today I got annoyed...

Today I went to sort out my registration with a doctor in London.
So what do you expect to happen?
You give them some pee, get your blood pressure taken, get weighed and your height measured.
Sometimes you get questions asked about your lifestyle as well, such as the food you eat, if you smoke and the kind of exercise you do.
I did not expect the following...
I told the nurse that I occasionally do some yoga.
She asked me if I knew that I was breaking the first commandment and that God is a jealous God.
Excuse me?!
She continued: "When you do yoga, you are worshiping false idols in every pose you do..."
I was so shocked. I'm absolutely positive that people in the medical profession aren't allowed to thrust any of their personal beliefs on patients!
Am I wrong? No.
Even so, I’ve always thought that it’s rude to impose any kind of beliefs on people. I’m a Catholic but I don’t tell people that the things they do or believe in are wrong. I think that people like that should really consider how offensive they can be and that it is the 21st century. NOT the dark ages.
I told her that I did yoga as a form of exercise and that I was there to have my health checked. If I wanted to be preached at I’ll go to church!
At the end of the consultation, she told me I have to have a blood test. I think she’s punishing me for worshiping Satan...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Beware of the corrupting power of the malicious art of Yoga!