Saturday, September 30, 2006

Its raining in London.

I wonder what the weather is like somewhere else?
Apparently its sunny in Newcastle - according to my mum. What about in the Sudan? Darfur? Niger?
Do the people there even sit and ponder that its more than likely to be raining in London?
Its so easy to sit and stare out of your window at the rain and grey skies as the tube whizzes past on the metropolitan line. Its so easy to forget that there are people in the world who are less fortunate. People who live in war-torn countries. People who haven't just eaten a delicious carrot and coriander soup from Sainsbury's. People who haven't eaten. For days. Weeks.
I'm in London and its raining. I've just eaten some carrot and coriander soup from Sainsbury's.

1 comment:

Ryan_Lee said...

It's bright and clear where I am.

It's easy to forget about life in this weather if you look up and close your eyes while letting the light pour over you.

But only for a moment.