Saturday, March 17, 2007


I’m not a misanthropist, but I do not like people sometimes.

People get in my way and this makes me angry. Can’t people see me coming?!

They should.

And then they should get out of my way!

Especially when I have a boiling hot cup of tea in my hand!

Said boiling hot cup of tea was in my hand when I was strolling to a lecture down ‘The Street’ at Harrow Campus yesterday.

It was like a jungle trying to manoeuvre my way through the throngs of students and lecturers. Also randomly, policemen and a multitude of people with cameras.

Every single one of them getting in my way.

I left the refectory after buying my tea and suddenly, there was a wall of people crowded at the top of the stairs.

My anxiety exploded and I could literally see myself covered in tea.

Climbing the stairs tentatively, I attempted to guard my tea and squirm through the jungle.

Alas, the animals in the jungle got in my way. Not because they were walking, but rather, standing and talking.

Not moving. Getting in my way.

I finally made it through alive, without a burn in sight.

Then came ‘The Street’.

For some reason unbeknownst to me and my intrepid companion, there were a few people with video cameras and digital cameras.

I ponder why, but mainly worry about people getting in my way.

They bang into me. Don’t they have any consideration for people with hot drinks?!

“They wouldn’t like it if I split my tea on them!” I exclaim.

For a while I consider throwing it at someone as my rage continues to boil as hot as my drink.

Thankfully for them though, I made it to my lecture alive.

Moral of the story? Other people ruin everything.

And in case you haven’t noticed by now, I do not like it when people get in my way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.