Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Big Brother Presents...

I’m not going to write about the foibles of the wavering reality television programme, but rather, I refer to my own Big Brother, who is possibly one of the freakishly smart people I know.

I use the term ‘freakishly’ because he is, in fact, a fountain of knowledge without even trying to be.

This has always riled me to a certain extent because he never seemed to have to work very hard at school, but still managed to get amazing grades and exam results.

I, on the other hand, am comfortable with the fact that I am not always the brightest button in the box and so, have had to work relatively hard to get where I am today.

I think that’s enough praise and criticism for one blog, however. So to the point…

Since Brother is the ‘guru’ of knowledge, yesterday he introduced me to the wonders of Barbara Kruger.

I’d never actually heard the name before, but when I googled her name, the images which revealed themselves were instantly recognizable.

In fact, one of her images lies somewhere on a postcard in my Newcastle home after being purchased in the Tate Modern when I was 16.

‘I shop therefore I am’ it informs. So true.

Kruger’s work is filled with quirky statements such as these, set in white on red overlaid on black and white photographs; often of well-known images, such as Marilyn Monroe.

To me, they seem to be statements referring to society and perhaps the inherent sexism Kruger faced growing up in America during the latter half of the last century.

I may be wrong, but that is just what I think. Freedom of speech, right to express and hold opinions yada yada yada…

Anyway, she’s good so have a look!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i LIKE the "not stupid enough" pic :)...

i have it on my blog!...

bye bye!