Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is it just me, or is everyone…

…suddenly religious?!

It seems that more and more celebrities are turning to God in their hours of need, whether it be from a stay in prison or to find a new man, for example.

What annoys me the most, however, is that most of these ‘zealously religious’ people haven’t actually shown such godly behaviour in the past.

Think about it: raucous partying, Kabbalah-worshipping, dangerous behaviour, media-suggested addictions etc etc – you get the picture.

But where does all this fit in with a Christian lifestyle and are these people actually sincere?

I truly doubt it.

Now, I’m not going to be hypocritical and pretend that I’m a good, saintly, practising Catholic because that would be an utter lie.

On the other hand, I like to think that I’m aware of the whole PR thing that many celebrities play.

Surely its just for media attention? To receive endorsement for their past follies and new way of life.

To get their new book in the top ten bestsellers, or to beat the Beckham’s at perfume selling.

Its all so fake.

1 comment:

Ryan_Lee said...

Fake people, fake religion.