Saturday, November 18, 2006

Just a thought but...

I was shocked to read in today’s Independent that Janjaweed’s scorched earth policy sees no signs of slowing down, never mind coming to a stop.

After terrorising the people of Darfur, the militia has now crossed the border to reign terror in Chad.

Innocent and defenceless men, women and children have been burnt to death as their attackers shout “This is our land now. This will become the second republic of Sudan.”

Although I’m probably repeating something I wrote in an earlier blog, I’m still bewildered at how easily and quickly events like this take place. How they are even allowed to take place.

UN peace keeping talks concerning have halted once again while the Sudanese government has a think about how many troops they will allow to enter the region. That is, if they allow any troops to enter at all.

According to the article in The Independent, at least 23 villages in eastern Chad have been attacked since November 4.

To my mind, the actions which the Janjaweed militia is executing, with what seems like implicit support from the Sudanese government, are actions of

They are explicitly targeting an ethnic group and murdering them as we look elsewhere.

This might be really daft, but I simply do not understand how it can be allowed to happen following the lessons we supposedly ‘learnt’ from Rwanda, Bosnia and the Holocaust.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

there is a sickening inevitability to it all.

how many times must we watch this happen?

so very easy for western governments to hide behind diplomatic bullshit bureaucracy - there is something of an 'African Tribal Problem' view. Depressimg beyond belief.