Thursday, November 09, 2006

Technological Apocalypse

As great as technology is with all the things it is able to do and the wonders it can provide the modern age, I hate it with a passion - but only when it goes wrong or doesn’t do what I want it to do.

I recently uninstalled a useless program from my laptop which was designed to connect with my mobile phone.

Pretty straightforward operation – choose ‘uninstall’.

No. It was not so simple.

When I uninstalled it, it took other non-program related files with it.

These files aren’t ultra-necessary for my life but I wouldn’t mind knowing where the hell they’ve gone!

Following the advice of a friend I’m patiently for a virus scan to complete. Just in case.

‘Patiently’ is a lie.

I’m actually pulling my hair out in frustration and close to theoretically murdering all technology.

Although having previously ‘judo-chopped’ my laptop in an Austin Powers style, I’m slowly reconsidering this as a course of action.

Marjory (that’s my laptop) did not respond well to this – the letter ‘G’ flew off the keyboard and whacked me in the face. I did manage to reposition is thankfully.

I think it is fairly safe to say that I am a sufferer of Technology Rage.

If it doesn’t work as its supposed to or how I want it to, I resort to giving it a bang/kick/chop.

Failing that, I hurl some sort of profane abuse – ‘For F$*k’s sake man!’ being an old favourite.

Yes, when I’m angry I have a filthy potty mouth. Not exactly the behaviour of a lady, but a valid expression of emotion all the same.

It simply puzzles me at times that in an age where technology is pretty much the must-have accessory for everything, it can and will go wrong!

So to conclude, this evening I have learnt three things…
1. Technology (Marjory in particular) is not my friend.
2. My laptop does not have a virus.
3. I have slight issues with my rage.


Little Miss Chatterbox said...

Thank you for bringing this issue to light Ros. I to am a suffrer of Technology Rage. My most recent victim was my telly, which wouldn't set to record the x factor a couple of weeks ago. One temper tantrum later and the offending machine was face down on the floor and the sound has refused to work ever since. I am beginning to think it might prove more fruitful in such situations to find a member of the company implicated and perform such violent acts on them. At least then when the rage passes they may be terrified into helping solve the problem and our electrical equipment will be intact!

Little Miss Chatterbox said...

Thank you for this post ros. I too am a sufferer of technology rage and you have given me the courage to speak out!! my tv was refusing to record the x factor last week, provoking a temper tantrum that left it face down on my bedroom floor. The sound hasn't worked since. Maybe a more fruitful redirection of our rage would be to aim this violent abuse at members of the offending companies. This way they may be suffuciently terrified to help solvethe problems and our possessions would remain intact!!