Monday, November 13, 2006

On Charity

A few weeks ago I was approached by someone asking me to sign a petition on behalf of the Oxfam ‘I’m In’ campaign.

I signed, mainly because he wasn’t hounding me for money like most charities seem to endorse. (See Chris Illman’s blog…)

To be honest, I didn’t really know much about the campaign.

Today however, I learnt a little bit more…

‘I’m In’ seeks to end world poverty and find long term solutions to the problem, much like the now very well known ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign.

It also aims to provide essential things to the people living in poverty stricken countries, including water.

Water is brilliant but it is just one of the many things that every day millions of us take for granted.

Water is something which I often forget that I couldn’t live without - we wash with it, water the plants, wash the car and drink it.

Water is beneficial to survive - it is a fact that most people would die within three days without it.

I can’t remember the last time I was really thirsty. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever been really, really thirsty.

I’ve never had to drink dirty, unhealthy water because it was the only thing available. I’m lucky because I don’t lack clean water or proper sanitation.

5,000 children die every day because of dirty water according to a recent report in the Guardian.

The United Nations Development Programme has also reported that this is not because of water scarcity but is due to poverty, inequality and government failures.

The main countries which suffer from this deficit include Bangladesh, Niger, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Mozambique.

With climate change as well, there will come the inevitable changes such as warmer summers and extreme winters.

But this will also reduce the availability of water, lower agricultural production and cause yet more hunger in these already poverty stricken countries.

Although there is little I can do to stop climate change, I feel so bad because I desperately want to do something to help.

I have so much more than so many people in the world, but as ridiculous as it sounds, I can’t afford to donate.


Anonymous said...

Hey, nice stuff. Dont berate yourself too hard, you are a student training to be a journalist. Just remember how you feel now and when you are an award winning journalist who can affect things and hopefully have the money you can maybe do more than you can now.

At least you empathise with the situation, some people go through life without thinking how the rest of the world live.

Sarah said...

I was just saying on Chris's blog, I can't afford to do it either. But it makes you feel so bad. Oxfram rang me yesterday also, but I prefer their way of approach instead of the nasty Chuggers!

David Heathfield said...

Try this;

conscience easing Christmas presents all round!

edspeak said...

This is very sad, I guess thinking about it I've never been really thirsty. I mean I've had that kind of tongue stuck to the top of my mouth thirst, but you can always get some water in the end. Still I think they could have thought of a better name than 'I'm In', it doesn't make clear what one is in, in poverty, in the gang, or just in a place where hydration is not an issue and therefore able to give a little? Good campaign, rubbish name.