Saturday, November 04, 2006


I’ve tried to be really productive today.

I read the required chapters in McNae’s Essential Law for Journalists, and even managed to do some of that dreaded shorthand practice I keep putting off.

Then I went to Sainsbury’s to buy a newspaper – and nothing else because I spend too much money on rubbish these days.

Even for all my accomplishments today – I went for a run this morning – I don’t actually feel that I’ve achieved anything.

I only semi-digested media law and fudged my way through shorthand. The Independent didn’t inspire me to write any great diatribe.

And now, I’m feeling a little too tired to do dome reading ‘for fun’.

I’m only twenty or so pages into Joyce’s ‘The Dubliners’ and it really bothers me that every time I catch the cover gleaming at me from my bedside table, I feel an enormous amount of disdain.

I’m actually losing the will to read.

This has never happened to me before and now I don’t know what to do with myself.


Sarah said...

Heeey, I get like that sometimes with reading. Is it a problem maybe with the book? Cause that's what I normally find, that you just are not getting into it, maybe try something else for now?

zinkydays said...

Someone told me once that books tell you when it's the right time to read them and not the other way round.

It's weird how a particular book can say so much at one point in your life and not very much at others.

So if it's not the right day for James Joyce (as it's often not I find), maybe see what else jumps off the book shelf at you.