Sunday, November 05, 2006

On Politics.

American Politics scares me.

The USA is the most powerful nation in the world, and consequently whoever becomes President is the most powerful man in the world.

As most people agree from George Bush’s example, this is both a scary and dangerous prospect.

The Republicans as a group seem to me rather scary, and possibly dangerous.

Many of their overtly fundamental policies and beliefs are a hindrance to life as we know it.

This diatribe springs from an article I read in today’s Observer: ‘Disillusioned America set to turn its back on Bush’.

‘Hooray!’ I thought upon reading the headline. ‘This is just what the intergalactic planetary system needs!’

Even so, the Republicans don’t seem to be changing in the face of this threat, despite the Democrats cheering ‘We need change’.

What worries me most is that a lot of people in the States are staunchly Republican.

The Observer details Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania; someone who advocates teaching intelligent design in schools, speaks out against homosexuality and believes that birth control should be outlawed. (!)

True, people are entitled to their own beliefs. However, I worry that beliefs such as these will see some sort of regression to the dark ages.
If evolution and Darwinism is not to be taught in schools, then perhaps Copernicus will be the next one to get the chop?

In other news, South Korea is to retract its law which bans miniskirts and hotpants.

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