Friday, October 06, 2006

Are Newspapers Dying?

The future of journalism, and newspapers in particular, looks shakey. Shakey but interesting.
Word has it, the internet is the future with vlogging, digital tv, podcasts, interfacing and video journalism. But does this mean that newspapers are going to die a slow and excruciating death?
Surely there will always be some sort of market for news on paper? For periodicals and magazines?
I'd like to think that this is the ideal, but I can see our lives being controlled by the internet and it's users. Even now.
I rarely buy newspapers these days. I just read the news online, or in some cases watch it. Is this a bad thing?
I don't think so because its the modern thing.
Why then, are people still being taught specialist periodical writing? Wouldn't it be better to evolve and learn many different skils relevant for the future of media? Be a jack of all trades and a master of none?

1 comment:

The Paedent said...

You've got to be a jack to be in the pack.