Monday, October 23, 2006

Energy Saving Week

This morning I woke up at some ungodly hour. Apparently its called 5 am.
For the next hour or so I willed myself to go back to sleep. Perhaps I willed a bit too hard because it wasn’t happening. I turned on the light and squinted through the painful brightness to turn the radio on.

Listening to Radio 4, like a good girl, I had an epiphany – I’ll go for a run. What a brilliant idea!

So, I got dressed into my sportiest gear, scraped my hair back, filled my bottle of water and was on my way. I even took care to turn my radio off at the mains rather than leave it on standby after hearing a bulletin about energy waste and efficiency.

When I got outside, I realized that I’m actually stark raving mad – “What the hell am I doing?! It’s still dark!”

It was tough, but I had to go through with it after clambering down three flights of stairs in my still dreamlike state.

After a brief warm-up, I began my only exercise for what will probably be the next month. Luckily, the pigeons were still asleep and therefore couldn’t scorn at my feeble effort.

For once, I wasn’t too bad at this exercise lark. Perhaps because no-one could see me looking daft. I’m ALWAYS better at things when nobody’s watching.

However, for all the so-called ‘benefits’ of cardio-vascular exercise, I’m not feeling all that special. My legs are a little shaky and feel as though they could give way at any second.

Moral of the story – stay in bed next time!

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