Friday, October 13, 2006

On Exercise

Running is a ridiculous sport.

Even though I wear a sports bra, my boobs still manage to jingle jangle up and down and all over the place.
This will not be a good look at 40.

The unsightly nature of such physical exercise continues in the actual process of running itself.

I truly am the most unfit person in world. In fact, make that the galaxy.

I'm not too proud to admit that when I run, even pigeons can tell that there's something wrong. They probably think I should run straight to a local weight watcher's club or into the arms of a personal trainer. Failing that, a hospital.

When I run, I turn red. Not a rosy, healthy red but an 'oh my god I think I'm dying' red. This is very often accompanied by a certain amount of hyperventilating and sweating. Very attractive.

Years of alcohol, cigarette and chocolate cake abuse have turned me into an unhealthy mess.

I really should repent - give up all the crap that is so so nice, trading it for a torturou regime of healthy food and exercise. The kind that Gillian McKeith inflicts on a regular basis.

I need to change my ways.
I must change my ways.

But would one more vodka really hurt?


Sh'shank said...

one more shot might hurt or it might not but why take a chance huh?
you just might realise that after running a bit it would give you the healthy glow which you would rather want instead the oh my god dying one...
body is like a car rev it for long enough after a long lay off and you would see it still would deliver the premium performance...

Kate Leaman said...

Solution: run to the shops for your cigarettes and alcohol, that way you have accomplished eveything you set out to achieve in double quick time.
ps. who the quack are pigeons to judge you?