Sunday, October 22, 2006

Friday was an incredibly strange day...

One of those days that you look back on and wonder whether it was actually a dream rather than an evening fuelled by copious amounts of vodka and the onset of a nasty cold.

It started as a normal evening – getting ready to go to the pub and a house party whilst singing and dancing to the songs on the radio. No-one can see me dance like an idiot, but they can probably hear me sing – terribly. I’m sure my flat mates are perfectly at ease with this now after more than likely being woken up by my incredibly loud singing in the shower for the past four or five weeks. That’s entertainment!

Slight digression.
Anyway, Sarah and I went to the supermarket, got some vodka and went to a nearby pub to watch a friend sing and play guitar. This public house has an amazing name and fabulous interior décor, including an Austin Powers pinball machine! Tremendous.

We were sitting enjoying our drinks and singing along to Sam’s music when suddenly, a rather weird man appeared from no-where and asked to sit with us. Sarah said yes. Not me.

He was talking about anything and nothing but fortunately I couldn’t hear him and was trying to avoid eye-contact at all costs.

A little while later he asked if he could come with us to the house party, even though Sarah had casually mentioned that she studies martial arts at university. (She doesn’t)

This guy would not get the hint, even after we told him that it was a family party and that my ‘boyfriend’, who happens to be built like a brick shithouse, is coming to pick us up.

I was a little apprehensive to say the least.

After making a b-line for the toilets, we managed to hide at the back of the pub. Scary man was sitting near the door just staring into space while we hid/spied for about 20 minutes until he got up to go to the bar. We seized our chance and ran.

I don’t think I’ve ever run so fast.

Needless to say, I kept looking behind me all the way to the house party in case he had followed us. He didn’t! Phew! I wonder if he even noticed we had disappeared?

So the house party…
It was lots of fun but vague. I remember there being a big black Labrador which licked my leg and a little tiny dog, a huge chalk board and two grown men handcuffed to each other.

I also got a little upset at one point. The man in the take-away said he couldn’t sell me cheesy chips. I don’t think he even knew what I meant – are cheesy chips an exclusively northern thing?! I had to settle for chips and mayonnaise, which didn’t really do anything to help the beast of a hangover I had the next day.

I did manage to suppress it with an exciting trip to Ikea, but more on that later…

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